Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

one month celebration

Dear All,

Thank you for your wishes, giving birth congratz, and the present.. today is Michael Steve Chandra's 1st month.. hope that God will always protect him where ever he is.. giving a healthy body and full of love and happiness.. nothing can describe my happiness when i have my baby boy.. Thank God..

Mike's mom

One month thank you package

present from family and friends..

Chinese tradition to cut the baby's hair become bold
taking a bath with 7 different size and place of the stone..
just hoping that when u grew up,
u can go anywhere without a fear..

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

L.O.V.E is around u, my son...

one day to go.. there will be ur 1st month celebration.. a lot of things that we learn from u.. everything that i do is just to make u comfort.. all the things that i can give u more is just only Love.. a lot of loves around u.. grew up and be a great boy to us..

with papi ( having breakfast time )

with seyie ( extra time before working )

with sanyie ( accompanied mommy )

with oyie~pho from Melbourne

Wedding anniversary of Kong" n Pho"

with Lauma ( mom's grandma )

with tayie ( always accompanied mom when she's lonely )

a kiss from pho"